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Listings tagged with '1967' (2)



1967 Chevrolet Camaro SS tribute w/ 350ci SBC, Muncie M21 4speed for sale &...

Hanksters Sales 2414 Route 119 Hwy S Homer City, PA 15748 (724) 471-2975 Visit Hanksters online at Hanksters.com to see more pictures of this vehicle or ca...

July 15, 2015

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1967 Chevrolet Camaro Convertible w/350 SBC, Muncie M21 4 speed, 10 bolt re...

Visit Hanksters online at Hanksters.com to see more pictures of this vehicle or call us at 724-471-2975 today to schedule your visit. Vehicle Options 10-bol...

July 9, 2015

5741 total views, 22 today

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